Saturday, June 23, 2012

Jackson Wy to Great Falls MT (Bears, Elk, Badgers, Prairie Dogs and Wind)

We decided last night to go north to Montana and then west thru Glacier Park. Got a cool (43F) start (I got crap for not wearing enough clothes??) and stopped for a picture with the sun pointing the right way. A couple from California with 2 youngh (sleepy) kids snapped our pics and we reciprocated, then it was north and into the park. First Teton where we saw our first buffalo grazing next to a group of fenced in beef cattle ("good morning ladies") with the spectacular Tetons (got the spelling right this time) to our left. After Tetons we entered Yellowstone. Traffic was actually not bad, maybe because it was early. We stopped at Old Faithful just as it went off and then into the Great Lodge to admire the massive old insides. What a beautiful place. I chatted up 2 harley guys (they are easy to find) from Kentucky who were going to Louisiana after this. Nice guys. We headed north and the traffic came to a halt as everyone stopped to take pictures of 2 beautiful elk in a marshy field beside the road. The park ends at the Roosevelt Arch in Gardner MT where we stopped for lunch at the Two Bit Saloon. Then it was 89 north all the way to Great Falls. Montana treated us to brutal winds front, then side, then tail wind all the way into Great Falls. The 50 miles just before Great Falls was very lush with some kind of crop so they must have water somewhere. It looked like a screen saver with big sky, puffy white clouds and lush green rolling hills. We found the hotel and went across the street to a salad place to try and purge some of the crap we have been eating out of our systems. My job tonight was to fix my Pakistani taxi driver seat (bead seat) since it was falling apart and I love it so much. First attempt with dental floss was a failure so I ran up to WalMart (right next to the oil refinery) and got some weed-wacker string, which worked beautifully. And it has a nice yellow tint to it. Very festive. My dad would be proud!!

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