Wednesday, July 4, 2018

July 4 - Weds - Boulder Co to Boulder CO - 0 miles

Yup, my first zero day. Zero miles. My long lost cousin Laura and her two boys, Ben & Adam have been organizing and participating in an annual July 4 day neighborhood party for many years. Laura is tireless and despite a bad case of laryngitis, she put us all to work setting up. It goes from 11 to 1 and the first event is the kids parade. These guys live in an older neighborhood, right in Boulder and they this beautiful park with walking paths, exercise stations, a gazebo, barbecue grills and it gets used a lot.
It starts off with the kids parade around the park, over the bridge over the lake, then loops back to where the all share a pot luck. Lots of benches, picnic tables and nice sunny day to meet and catch up with your neighbors. We started haulin stuff over around 9 this morning. Stereo for the music, kiddie pools bean bag toss stations, ropes for the rope pull, burlap bags for the bag race. The parade, and all the games are for the kids. So we spent a couple hours with a ton of other volunteers, hanging flags and banners, setting up tents (shade required out here), tables, garden hose (for the balloon toss), etc. The kids started rolling in just before 11 with their bikes fixed up with flags and flowers, and started the lineup down the bike / running path, the music started and the Uncle Sam woman lead it all off. The boys jumped ahead and lapped the whole procession (of course).
Great pot luck followed by the rope pull, the three legged race, potato sack race, then the water balloon toss which devolved of course into a water balloon / splash fight. You could see naps in everybody's afternoon with rosy tired cheeks. At 1:30 or so, everybody headed home, we did the cleanup with lots of help, then a couple of us napped (not saying who). Met lots o great folks today. Larry and I spent a long time discussing everything under the moon. Wonderful guy, one of Laura's best friends and I can see why.
I did a quick oil change, checked the tires (perfect) so I can head out in the morning.
Fireworks tonight (if we are not too tired)..

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