Tuesday, June 12, 2018

June 9 - Saturday - Graduation!!

So today is the big day!! We went to a reception last night with some great speakers. An older guy named Bill Carpenter gave a lively speech about the history of College of the Atlantic. He was the first faculty member and still had the fire in his belly for the original mission.
We spoke to him afterwards and he is an idealist 20-something even in his seventies. Very inspiring guy.
There were 78 graduates and they are from all over the world. The COA (College of the Atlantic) president is a well loved younger guy and seems to be another "doer", someone that just goes ahead and does stuff. Lots of good energy there as well.
Before the graduation we took a ride in the car back up Cadillac Mt since these guys missed the motorcycle ride up yesterday. Another nice weather day.
The reception (yup another one) after was busy with amazing food. The college makes all their own food and it was inspiring as well.

We all ended up downtown for drinks and dinner to finish the day. And the diploma was signed and everything, I checked..

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